Each of us is new to the PBS when we join.  Each of us goes through the stage of “what the heck are they TALKING about….help!!”   You are not alone.  When the President or board members or others get up at the general meetings and start talking about something, please raise your hand to remind us of the need for background.  We forget that while we once didn’t know and now do, others may be still learning what the activities and rhythms of the organization include.  In the meantime when we talk about the following perhaps this will help:

  • Bead Retreat:- every late February/Early March, we have a 3 day retreat to the Oregon Coast. 2017 is the 15th year of our retreat.  Lots of fun, reasonable prices and free classes.

  • Bead and Creative Arts Festival: Formerly The Bead Bazaar, the second weekend in October, is our sole fund raiser; all activities and funds come from this event.  Please support it with everything you can: be a vendor, be a volunteer, be a committee member to put it on.

  • Gathering of the Guilds:- a multi guild gathering of the ARTS.  A three day event. This is the biggest event that the PBS sponsors to provide our members a great way to sell your beaded art.  We do our best to just meet expenses so as to promote the potential for you members to make money.

  • Look over My Shoulder:- A marketing table we staff at as many bead/art related events as we can get members to staff, for the purpose of promoting beaded arts, and bringing the PBS to the attention of potential members. Members chat with interested folks about beading and the PBS

  • Volunteering:- one word for participating in the group.  Really, volunteering is just hanging out with fellow beaders to accomplish something beading related.

  • MacLaren’s Youth Correctional Facility:- a facility near Woodburn, OR which houses young men who have run afoul of the law.  There is a group, with a waiting list of youth who want to learn to bead.  The MacLaren Youth Correctional Facility beading group is called Beading the Odds, sponsored by Juanita Garnow, Juanita Garnow garbar13@aol.com , one of our members who visits them almost every Sunday to teach beading.  These young men have been able to sell their beaded items at our two sales a year, the Bead Bazaar and the Arts and Elegance show in a “comped” booth, to earn money, often for their future schooling.

  • Rose Haven:- Portland, Shelter for Homeless and Abused Women and Children, contact, Lori Berrevoets, mbvoets@comcast.net. PBS sponsors this group with beading supplies and money to purchase supplies.

  • Camp Victory: -a summer camp for abused girls and boys in Grays Harbor and Pacific County, WA.  Contact, Maureen Kelly, mokelly51@hotmail.com PBS supports this group with donations of beading supplies and money.

  • Hilltop Artists:- in Tacoma, WA, who teach disadvantaged youth the art and craft of making lampworked glass objects, including beads, contact Kimberly Keith, Executive Director.

  • Education Award:- every year, based on the budget, the PBS offers a reimbursement of tuition for classes which teach some aspect of beading arts. You must apply for this the year before, in the event that there is a class you may take. The definition of eligible classes is pretty wide.  Please see the September 2017 newsletter for a more complete description, or ask a member with more knowledge.

  • Officers  and Board:-  officers of the PBS include President, President Elect (the next president in line), Secretary and Treasurer. The board is composed of individuals responsible for various aspects of the activities undertaken by the PBS.  Please see page 2 of any newsletter for a complete listing. And, feel free to ask a board member for more information.  PS, we are often looking for new people to join the board and help run this great organization. Feel free to ask about openings on the board.